It combines two approaches to 3D modeling - Parametric and Direct Modeling in a single modeling environment.
The first one is the typical MCAD tool for 3D solid modelling based on Construction History. It is similar to Autodesk Inventor or SolidWorks. There is a special 3D History Window in a 3D design environment containing a Construction tree representing a history of model creation. Construction tree is a sequence of features (actions) that create the model. 3D History is a nanoCAD Inspector window with a specific set of tools.
The second one - Direct Modeling offers designers a what-you-see-is-what-you-get approach to building and editing their models. nanoCAD Pro uses it with traditional tools for DWG-based CAD 3D solids creation and editing. It allows you to create basic solid primitives (box, cylinder, cone, sphere, pyramid, wedge, torus, polysolid) with editable properties and smart grips.
Set constraints and relations on objects in the drawing and control your drawings via parameters
It is possible to set relations between objects in the drawings and constraints on their parameters: co-axis, fixed dimension, parallel, tangent, etc. Thus, you can create a 'living' drawing, which is possible to change according to the rules you previously set.
Parameter Manager allows you to link dimensions and constraints by means of mathematical equations. Just change the numeric values, and the drawing will be dynamically changed in accordance with predetermined rules.
3D constraints are operating on geometry of objects in space. Using this tool designers can link 3D objects within one file, thereby providing the ability to create complex 3D assemblies. Applied constraints are displayed in the 3D History tree for each correspondent solid.
nanoCAD Pro is based on nanoCAD Plus - full featured DWG CAD platform. All functionality of nanoCAD Plus is included by default into nanoCAD Pro - drafting and design tools, a native DWG compatibility, an open API. nanoCAD Pro adds to nanoCAD Plus functionality of parametric 3D solid modeling thanks to industry-proved 3D kernel and 2D constraints engine.